Thursday, September 8, 2011

THE TROUBLE ON HUBBELL, Pt. 3: County agency's land holdings surprise neighbors

The Columbia Heart Beat writes:

""Someone needs to explain to our community why a local public governmental entity that provides much of  its services in the homes of their clients needs several acres of downtown real estate at the expense of existing neighborhoods," said Tracy Greever-Rice, Ph.D., a Mizzou economic and social data analyst and homeowner on Hubbell Dr.

The agency's land holdings -- several purchased from Stephens College -- reportedly include:

102 Hubbell Dr.
106 Hubbell Dr.
208 St. Joseph St.
302 St. Joseph St.
308 St. Joseph St.
400 St. Joseph St.
1205 E. Walnut
1209 E. Walnut (agency headquarters)
E. Ash, north (roughly) half of their primary office park
E. Ash, south (Walnut) half of their primary office park
E. Ash, northwest corner of the intersection of E. Ash and College Ave

On a sales commission, developer lobbyist and real estate agent Don Stamper helped the agency buy most of its St. Joseph Street holdings this summer, a potential conflict of interest that has also aroused neighborhood angst.  Stamper was appointed to the agency's Board of Directors in 2008.  It's unclear when or if he stepped down when his term was due to end in February."

Read full article here:

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